Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Art of Design Competition- Deadline Extended

The Lars Bolander Gallery will now accept entries for the Art of Design Competition until December 1st, 2010. Winners will be notified by Decemeber 6th, 2010.

The Art of Design competition celebrates design made by man and design found in nature as depicted in photography, paintings, drawings and sculpture. Lars Bolander, Beth DeWoody, and William Rayner will select a winner from each category and those works will be featured at the gallery's grand opening. The date for the grand opening is to be determined.

For more information on the Art of Design Competition and the judges, or to download the entry form, scroll down.

The gallery is also pleased to announce that Lar's first book will be officially released today, September 1st, and it has recieved great reviews from many different publications and blogs. To read reviews of "Lars Bolander's Scandinavian Design" see the post below.